Animals are the victims of humans’ willful ignorance and unchecked superiority complex. So we created a test to make people confront how their everyday choices enable animal cruelty.

Young Ones One Show 2023 | Merit - Experiential

Young Ones One Show 2023 | Merit - Digital, Online & Mobile

PETA will run sponsored ads on Instagram and Snapchat that challenge users to find out their Cruelty Footprint.

Once users learn their score, they will be given ways to lower it.

A Chrome extension that flags bad choices…

…and an Amazon storefront full of good ones.

Plus, a print ad campaign will spotlight retailers that continue to stock products that harm animals.

Disclaimer: The pieces in this campaign were created solely for the purpose of the Young Ones Competition.

Art Directors: Kelsie Edwards and Michael Regan

Co-Copywriter: Ruby Kenney

